How To Convert Nested Set Into Nested Array In Javascript?
There is following data. [ {'no':1, 'name':'ELECTRONICS', 'depth':0}, {'no':2, 'name':'TELEVISIONS', 'depth':1}, {'no':3, 'name':'TUBE', 'depth':2}, {'no':4, 'name'
Solution 1:
You could use a helper array for the levels.
var array = [{ no: 1, name: "ELECTRONICS", depth: 0 }, { no: 2, name: "TELEVISIONS", depth: 1 }, { no: 3, name: "TUBE", depth: 2 }, { no: 4, name: "LCD", depth: 2 }, { no: 5, name: "PLASMA", depth: 2 }, { no: 6, name: "PORTABLE ELECTRONICS", depth: 1 }, { no: 7, name: "MP3 PLAYERS", depth: 2 }, { no: 8, name: "FLASH", depth: 3 }, { no: 9, name: "CD PLAYERS", depth: 2 }, { no: 10, name: "2 WAY RADIOS", depth: 2 }],
result = [],
levels = [{ children: result }];
array.forEach(function (o) {
levels[o.depth].children = levels[o.depth].children || [];
levels[o.depth].children.push(levels[o.depth + 1] = o);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Solution 2:
//The trees root = our expected result
const result = [];
var acc = { depth: -1, children: result};
for(const el of data){
//walk upwards in the tree
var up = acc.depth - el.depth + 1 ;
while(up--){ acc = acc.parent }
//walk down and add the current el as a child
el.parent = acc;
(acc.children || (acc.children = [])).push(el);
acc = el;
You may just walk through a tree (acc) and link parents/children together.
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