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I Get An Error In CreateJS: "createjs Is Not Defined"

I have a problem with creatJS I hope you can help. var stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas); I got this error : angular.js:13642 ReferenceError: createjs is not defined. even thou

Solution 1:

I had a similar problem - in my case I added the createjs-module npm package for webpack (I use it in the Laravel wabpack mix). It appeared that there was an issue with the scope, so I had to ensure that createjs is global. So you can try to do the following:

  1. Install the npm module (in the console)

    npm install createjs-module --save
  2. Initialize the createjs (in your js file)

    this.createjs = {};
  3. Make createjs global (in your js file)

    window.createjs = this.createjs;
  4. Import the module (in your js file)


And now you can use it as usual :)

Reference: CreateJS GitHub Issues

Solution 2:

I assume createjs is defined in the window object. To be accessible in angular js you need to make it injectabled like this :

  angular.module('myApp', [])
  .constant('createjs', window.createjs)

Then you can inject it into your controller for example :

controller: function(createjs) {
  var stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);

You can also refer to it by using $window :

controller: function($window) {
  var stage = new $window.createjs.Stage(canvas);

Solution 3:

I just get some tests on it and i verify if the library EaselJS which is used for createjs is injected but it was not injected in the Bower.json file. so i had to injected manually in the bower.json file and it's working.

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