Including Js/css Scripts In Shiny App
I am building a Shiny application, but as it should get arguments for data for building plots, I decided to save my app as a function (using this tutorial:
Solution 1:
For anyone who may be having the same issue, I finally came up with the solution :-) There are 'include' functions in Shiny that let you specify a file with the absolute/relative path. Here is the reference:
And this is my example code:
app <- function(data)
ui = fluidPage(
# I created a 'www' folder that was included
# in the package that is launching Shiny app
tags$head(includeScript(system.file('www', 'script.js', package = 'myPackage'))),
tags$head(includeCSS(system.file('www', 'style.css', package = 'myPackage'))),
# some UI stuff
server = function(input, output, session) {
# some server stuff
Solution 2:
This is now different. system.file
is not required for includeScript
tags$head(includeScript(system.file('www', 'script.js', package =
Will be:
tags$head(includeScript('www/script.js', 'type' = 'text/javascript', 'data-unique-tag' = 'unique'))
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