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'TypeError: Cannot Read Property Of X Of Undefined' When Passing Data From Parent To Child Component But Others Are Working

Good day, I have a project that gets a response from an API then passes down the data from parent to child. The problem is, I can easily access the response at the top level but wh

Solution 1:

Hi it could be that some of rows in your data do not have quotes try doing following change it should be fixed by this





? checks if given variable is present and if not return null and does not throw an error

Solution 2:

As you are using the axios call, which is asynchronous and the data of that call is not available on initial render, but it will be available later on. So to handle this you have to conditional render (render only when certain condition met)

Try this:


Or you can also use Object.hasOwnProperty('key') with ternary and do the conditional render.

Solution 3:


Error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'USD' of undefined is saying that statistics.quotes is undefined.

There are 2 possible causes:

  1. On the initial render you are accessing too deeply into your initial state.
  2. On any subsequent render the statistics isn't updated to something you're expecting.

My guess is that your data fetching and state update is fine and it's just the initial render issue.

The initial statistics state is an empty object ({}), so accessing any property is fine. It's when you then go a nested level deeper into the structure that causes the issue.

  statistics={statistics} // OK: statistics => {}
  lastUpdate={statistics.last_updated} // OK: statistics.last_updated => undefined
  price={statistics.quotes.USD.price} // Error: can't access USD of undefined statistics.quotes

const statistics = {};

console.log(statistics);            // {}
console.log(statistics.quotes);     // undefined
console.log(statistics.qoutes.USD); // error!!


You can use Optional Chaining operator (?.) or guard clauses (null checks) to protect the "access X of undefined" errors.

  price={statistics.quotes && statistics.quotes.USD && statistics.quotes.USD.price}

If there's even a remote chance that your statistics state can be updated to undefined then apply the same fix as above but just a level shallower, i.e. statistics?.quotes?.USD?.price.

Alternatively you can apply some Conditional Rendering of the Statistics component where the condition is the nested properties existing on the statistics state.

return (
    //some other stuff
    {statistics.last_updated && statistics.quotes && (

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