Preventing Concatenation
Solution 1:
The specification says about the addition operator:
If Type(lprim) is String or Type(rprim) is String, then
Return the String that is the result of concatenating ToString(lprim) followed by ToString(rprim)
Which means that if at least one operator is a string, string concatenation will take place.
If I use
on at least one of the terms each time I add, will that prevent it?
No, all operands have to be numbers.
You can easily convert any numerical string into a number using the unary plus operator (it won't change the value if you are already dealing with a number):
var c = +a + +b;
Solution 2:
I normally do this:
var x = 2;
var t = "12";
var q = t+x; // q == "122"
var w = t*1+x; // *1 forces conversion to number w == 14
If t isn't a number then you'll get NaN
If you multiply by 1 variables you don't know what type they are. They will be converted to a number. I find this method better than doing int and float casts, because *1 works with every kind of numbers.
The problem you are having is that the functions which fetch values from the DOM normally return strings. And even if it is a number it will be represented as a string when you fetch it.
Solution 3:
You can use +
operator to convert a string to number.
var x = '111'
+x === 111
Solution 4:
Rest assured it is very predictable, you just need to be familiar with the operators and the data types of your input.
In short, evaluation is left-to-right, and concatenation will occur whenever in the presence of a string, no matter what side of the operation.
So for example:
9 + 9 // 18
9 + '9' // '99'
'9' + 9 // '99'
+ '9' + 9 // 18 - unary plus
- '9' + 9 // 0 - unary minus
Some ternary expressions:
9 + '9' + 9 // '999'
9 + 9 + '9' // '189'
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