Javascript Match Function For Special Characters
Solution 1:
If you mean !@#$% and ë as special character you can use:
/[^a-zA-Z ]+/
The ^
means if it is not something like a-z or A-Z or a space.
And if you mean only things like !@$&$ use:
matches word characters, \W
matching not word characters.
Solution 2:
You'll have to whitelist them individually, like so:
if(password.match(/[`~!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)\-=_+\\\[\]{}/\?,\.\<\> ...
and so on. Note that you'll have to escape regex control characters with a \
While less elegant than /[^A-Za-z0-9]+/
, this will avoid internationalization issues (e.g., will not automatically whitelist Far Eastern Language characters such as Chinese or Japanese).
Solution 3:
you can always negate the character class:
if(password.match(/[^a-z\d]+/i)) {
// password contains characters that are *not*
// a-z, A-Z or 0-9
However, I'd suggest using a ready-made script. With the code above, you could just type a bunch of spaces, and get a better score.
Solution 4:
Just do what you did above, but create a group for !@#$%^&*()
etc. Just be sure to escape characters that have meaning in regex, like ^
and (
EDIT -- I just found this which lists characters that have meaning in regex.
Solution 5:
if(password.match(/[^\w\s]/)) score++;
This will match anything that is not alphanumeric or blank space. If whitespaces should match too, just use /[^\w]/
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