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Difference Between Array.apply(null, Array(x) ) And Array(x)

What exactly is the difference between: Array(3) // and Array.apply(null, Array(3) ) The first returns [undefined x 3] while the second returns [undefined, undefined, undefined].

Solution 1:

There is a difference, a quite significant one.

The Array constructor either accepts one single number, giving the lenght of the array, and an array with "empty" indices is created, or more correctly the length is set but the array doesn't really contain anything

Array(3); // creates [], with a length of 3

When calling the array constructor with a number as the only argument, you create an array that is empty, and that can't be iterated with the usual Array methods.

Or... the Array constructor accepts several arguments, whereas an array is created where each argument is a value in the array

Array(1,2,3); // creates an array [1,2,3] etc.

When you call this

Array.apply(null, Array(3) )

It get's a little more interesting.

apply accepts the this value as the first argument, and as it's not useful here, it's set to null

The interesting part is the second argument, where an empty array is being passed in. As apply accepts an array it would be like calling

Array(undefined, undefined, undefined);

and that creates an array with three indices that's not empty, but have the value actually set to undefined, which is why it can be iterated over.

TL;DR The main difference is that Array(3) creates an array with three indices that are empty. In fact, they don't really exist, the array just have a length of 3.

Passing in such an array with empty indices to the Array constructor using apply is the same as doing Array(undefined, undefined, undefined);, which creates an array with three undefined indices, and undefined is in fact a value, so it's not empty like in the first example.

Array methods like map() can only iterate over actual values, not empty indices.

Solution 2:

The .map() API does not iterate over completely uninitialized array elements. When you make a new array with the new Array(n) constructor, you get an array with the .length you asked for but with non-existent elements that will be skipped by methods like .map().

The expression Array.apply(null, Array(9)) explicitly populates the newly-created array instance with undefined, but that's good enough. The trick is whether or not the in operator will report that the array contains an element at the given index. That is:

var a = newArray(9);
alert(2in a); // alerts "false"

That's because there really is no element at position 2 in the array. But:

var a = Array.apply(null, Array(9));
alert(2in a); // alerts "true"

The outer call to the Array constructor will have explicitly populated the elements.

Solution 3:

This is an artifact of how apply works. When you do:


an empty array is created with a length of 9. map does not visit non–existent members, so does nothing at all. However, apply turns the array into a list using CreateListFromArrayLike so it turns the formerly empty array into a parameter list like:


that is passed to Array to create an array with 9 members, all with a value of undefined. So now map will visit them all.

BTW, ECMAScript 2015 has Array.prototype.fill for this (also see MDN) so you can do:


Solution 4:

Because the first array would not have ordered properties arr[0] === undefined and the second does. Array functions like forEach and map will iterate from 0 to the array's length - 1 and the lack of order to the properties of the first is an issue. The second version produces an array with the correct ordering, i.e.

arr = Array.apply(null, Array(3));
arr[0] === undefined//true
arr[1] === undefined//true//etc.

The first version as you noticed doesn't. Also, adding new to the first version would not make it work.

Solution 5:

In the first case you have one operation


Its creates an array with three empty slots. Not an array with the three undefined values but exactly - empty.

At the second case

Array.apply(null, Array(3) )

we can spread it to the three operations:

  • first: Array(3) - you get an array with 3 empty slots;

  • second: Array(3) spreads by Function.prototype.apply() function to 3 parameters that it passes to Array() function. At this stage 3 empty slots in given array transformes by apply() to 3 undefined values (it looks like if apply() sees an empty slot it automaticaly turns it to undefined in any sparsed array).

  • third: we get an Array(undefined, undefined, undefined). And that will do to us an array with 3 undefined (not empty) values.

Because now you have 3 undefined but not empty slots, you can use them with map() function.

Note that not only Function.prototype.apply() have such behavior of decomposing arrays by such way. You can also do this in ECMAScript 6 by "..." - spread operator.


This will also returns an array with 3 undefined and respectively can be mapped slots.

Here i giving more detailed explanation.

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