Why My Component Doesn't Re-render Itself Even Tho I Used Useeffect?(react.js)
Solution 1:
You will want to lift the loginStatus
state up to the App
parent component so the state and updater function can be passed down to children components to read and/or update.
Move the loginStatus
state to this parent component. Pass the loginStatus
to the Nav
component for it to handle its conditional rendering, and pass setLoginStatus
to the Login
component for it to update the state. Notice that the routes were reordered so they no longer need to specify the exact
prop everywhere, they aren't wrapped with the Auth
HOC as this likely creates a new component each render cycle, and now the Login
component is rendered on the render
prop so we can slip in additional props.
const [loginStatus, setLoginStatus] = useState(
() => !!JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")),
return (
<><NavindexStatus={indexStatus}loginStatus={loginStatus} // <--passloginstatussetIndexStatus={setIndexStatus}setLoginStatus={setLoginStatus} // <--passupdater
/><IndexindexStatus={indexStatus}setIndexStatus={setIndexStatus} /><Switch><Routepath="/login"render={props =><LoginPage {...props} setLoginStatus={setLoginStatus} />}
<Routepath="/calendar"component={Calendar} /><Routepath="/about"component={About} /><Routepath="/register"component={RegisterPage} /><Routepath="/"component={LandingPage} /></Switch></>
Remove the loginStatus
state and use the passed loginStatus
value and setLoginStatus
function to update the state in the parent.
functionNav({ indexStatus, loginStatus, setLoginStatus, setIndexStatus }) {
const history = useHistory();
constlogoutHandler = () => {
setLoginStatus(false); // <-- logged out
return loginStatus ? (
: (
Access the setLoginStatus
state updater function from props and set when user logs in successfully. Decorate the export with the Auth
HOC (this should be done for all the components needing it).
functionLoginPage(props) {
let body={
email: Email,
password: Password
props.setLoginStatus(true); // <-- set logged in
} else {
alert('login failed');
return (
The reason your components that aren't receiving passed props is because the Auth
HOC isn't passing them through.
exportdefaultfunction(SpecificComponent, option, adminRoute = null) {
functionAuthenticationCheck(props) { // <-- props
return (
<SpecificComponent />// <-- not passed through
Should be
exportdefaultfunction(SpecificComponent, option, adminRoute = null) {
functionAuthenticationCheck(props) { // <-- props
return (
<SpecificComponent {...props} />// <-- passed through
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