Loading Text Into Textarea Based On Drop Down Selection
To start, I have searched the site and found this: How to fill in a text field with drop down selection but it did not suit my needs, as I'm generating very long templates and the
Solution 1:
Okay you had many problems in code the major one was specifying onchange in option instead of selects, there also little problem which I solved and here is a working example http://jsfiddle.net/gKsdK/1/
Here is the markup
<h1>Note Generator</h1><divclass="left">
<p><selectclass="c10"onchange="showCSTemplates(this);"><optionselected="selected"value=""id="Templates">Please select a template...</option><option>1</option><option>2</option><option>3</option><option>4</option><option>5</option></select></p><p><textareacols="30"rows="20"readonly="readonly"id="CSTemplates">
Templates will auto-populate
here depending on the
selection made from the
drop-down list.
</textarea></p></div><!--left ends here-->
Here is the JS
locations =[ "", /*this remains blank for first selection in drop-down list*//*option 1*/" This is template 1 that will appear in a textarea keeping its formatting as is. ",
/*option 2*/" This is template 2 that will appear in a textarea keeping its formatting as is. Credentials: Contact Info: ",
/*option 3*/" This is template 3 that will appear in a textarea keeping its formatting as is. Donec tortor lorem, ornare vitae commodo nec, sagittis et nunc. Maecenas sagittis quam ",
/*option 4*/"etc",
/*option 5*/"etc...", ];
srcLocation = locations [sel.selectedIndex];
if (srcLocation != undefined && srcLocation != "") {
document.getElementById('CSTemplates').innerHTML= srcLocation;
Solution 2:
You have bound the onchange
event on option
instead of select
Solution 3:
If you want to have a string on several lines, you have to concatenate it:
/*option 1*/" This is template 1 that will appear in a \n"+"textarea keeping \n"+"its formatting \n"+"as \n"+"is. \n",
The \n are here only to create the breaklines into your .
And if you want to change the contents of a textarea, use the property .value and not .innerHTML !
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