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Using Gettext With Javascript From Php Via Xmlhttprequest

I have an application mainly written in PHP. The translations are done using gettext(). There is a small JavaScript part which also contains strings to be translated. I wrote this

Solution 1:

Yes, you need a callback!

functiongettext(string_to_translate, obj, callback)
... //your original xmlhttprequest
xmlhttp.callback = callback;, add a callback to the xmlhttp

//set the readystate event that listens to changes in the ajax call
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function()
    //target found and request completeif (this.status === 200 && this.readyState == 4) {
        //send result to the callback functionthis.callback(obj, this.responseText);
    } else {
        console.log("Error while translating " + string_to_translate + " Status " + xmlhttp.status);
        this.callback(obj, string_to_translate);

//callback function specific for this case.functionsetValue(obj, value)
   obj.value = value;

To call this:

gettext("Vacation", document.getElementById('input_box_form_reason'), setValue);

An extended ajax function with callback

functionajax(url, method, json, callBack)
	//it supports get and post//returns parsed JSON, when json is set to true. | json accessible via this.JSON in the callBack//a callback can be attached where the this refers to the xmlHTTP//supply an url like you would in a get request: the request with xmlDoc = newXMLHttpRequest
	xmlDoc.JSON = json ? true : false;
	xmlDoc.error = true;
	xmlDoc.errorMessage = "";	
	xmlDoc.errorObj = {"error" : xmlDoc.error, "object" : "XMLHttpRequest", "message" : xmlDoc.errorMessage, "url" : url, "sync" : true, "method" : (method ? "POST" : "GET")};
	xmlDoc.url = url
	xmlDoc.method = method ? "post" : "get";
	xmlDoc.preserveWhiteSpace = true;

	if (method == "post")
		xmlDoc.pUrl = url; 
		xmlDoc.pArg = "";
		if (url.match(/\?/)) //we need to filter out the arguments since the are send seperately. 
			var splitted = url.split(/\?/);
			xmlDoc.pUrl = splitted[0];
			xmlDoc.pArg = "";
			for (var i = 1; i < splitted.length; i++)
				xmlDoc.pArg += splitted[i];	//prevent additional questionmarks from being splitted.				
		}, ["post", xmlDoc.pUrl , true]); //set up the connection
		xmlDoc.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded ; charset=UTF-8");
		//get request, no special action need, just pass the"get", url, true); //true for async

	xmlDoc.onreadystatechange = readyStateXML.bind(xmlDoc, callBack);
	xmlDoc.setRequestHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
	xmlDoc.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, must-revalidate"); = fireXmlRequest; //set up fire function.return xmlDoc;

	if (this.method == "post")
		this.send(this.pArg); //post
		this.send(null); //get

	if (this.readyState == 4)
		//request completed, now check the returned data//We always assume that a request fails.if (this.errorMessage == "XML Not loaded." || this.errorMessage == "")
			this.error = false; //set error to false, request succeeded.this.errorObj.error = false;			

			if (!this.responseXML && !this.JSON)
				this.error = true;
				this.errorMessage = "invalid XML.";
				this.errorObj.error = this.error;
				this.errorObj.message = this.errorMessage;				
			if (this.error == false)
				this.xmlData = this.responseXML;
				if (this.JSON)
						this.JSON = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
						//JSON couldn't be parsedthis.error = true;
						this.errorMessage = err.message + "<br />" + this.responseText;
						this.errorObj.error = this.error;
						this.errorObj.message = this.errorMessage;		
			//404 or 400, not found errorif (this.status == "400" || this.status == "404" || this.status == 400 || this.status == 404)
				this.error = true;
				this.errorMessage = "404: The requested page isn't found.";
				this.errorObj.error = this.error;
				this.errorObj.message = this.errorMessage;				
			elseif(this.status == "500")
				this.error = true;
				this.errorMessage = "500: Internal server error.";
				this.errorObj.error = this.error;
				this.errorObj.message = this.errorMessage;				

			if (typeof(callBack) != "undefined")
			{; //pass the xmlDoc object to the callBack
			alert("Error \n" + this.errorMessage);
			if (typeof(callBack) != "undefined")
		this.error = true;
		this.errorMessage = "XML Not loaded.";
		this.errorObj.error = this.error;
		this.errorObj.message = this.errorMessage;		

//to use
ajx = ajax("index.php?query=1", "post", true, false, function(){/*callback*/});

Solution 2:

JS is an event driven programming language. What you are missing is an event that gets triggered when your request is completed. You can bind an event “onreadystatechange” to your xmlhttp object that’ll get triggered every time readyState changes.

functiongettext(string_to_translate) {
var filename = get_php_script_folder() + 'gettext.php?string_to_translate=' + string_to_translate;
var xmlhttp = newXMLHttpRequest();

xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (xmlhttp.status === 200) {
        var translated_string = xmlhttp.responseText;
        document.getElementById('input_box_form_reason').value = translated_string;
    } else {
        console.log("Error while translating " + string_to_translate + " Status " + xmlhttp.status);
};"GET", filename);

I would suggest reading about JS events and Callbacks.

Solution 3:

As Mouser pointed out, there needs to be a callback. I edited my function as follows:

functiongettext(string_to_translate, object, callback_function) {
    var filename = get_php_script_folder() + 'gettext.php?string_to_translate=' + string_to_translate;
    var xml_http_request = newXMLHttpRequest();

     * Default values:
     */if (undefined === callback_function) {
        callback_function = set_value;
     * Input error handling:
     */if (typeofobject !== "object") {
        console.log("Error:" + object + " is not an object.");
    if (typeof callback_function === "function") {
        xml_http_request.callback = callback_function; // add a callback to the xml_http_request
    } else {
        console.log("Error:" + callback_function + " is not a function.");

    xml_http_request.onreadystatechange = function ()
        //target found and request completeif (this.status === 200 && this.readyState === 4) {
            //send result to the callback functionthis.callback(object, this.responseText);
        } elseif (this.readyState === 4) {
            console.log("Error while translating " + string_to_translate + " Status " + xml_http_request.status);
            this.callback(object, string_to_translate);
    };"GET", filename, true);
//callback function specific for gettextfunctionset_value(object, value)
    object.value = value;

It can be called as follows:

gettext("Vacation", document.getElementById('input_box_form_reason'));

With "Vacation" being the string to be translated and input_box_form_reason being the object which value will be changed. For more flexibility in the assignment the set_value function might be modified. For complex translations and concatenations of text, gettext.php has to be optimized.

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