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Chrome Devtools Inspector Showing Blank White Screen While Debugging With Samsung Tv Tizen Web Application

I'm debugging Samsung TV Tizen Web Application with Tizen Studio 3.6 and Google Chrome Version 80.0.3987.100 (Official Build) (64-bit). But Chrome Inspector showing black screen. C

Solution 1:

I got the solution actually it is because Chrome has launched its new version 80.0.3987.100 on the 11th of Feb and because of this version is not compatible with Samsung Tizen IDE so to resolve this you have to download the old version of the older version.

here is the link to download older chrome version [][1]

After downloading disable the chrome to update itself and then it will work fine with Tizen studios.

Solution 2:

This is compatibility issue due to upstream change in chrome 80 version.!msg/blink-dev/h-JwMiPUnuU/sl79aLoLBQAJ

It will be resolved in the next release of Tizen Studio. Until then, if you use the options below, inspector will be launched properly.

Go to Window > Preferences > Tizen Studio > Web > Chrome -> Extra parameters : add "--enable-blink-features=ShadowDOMV0 --enable-blink-features=CustomElementsV0 --user-data-dir=c:\Temp"

Solution 3:

Go to Window > Preferences > Tizen Studio > Web > Chrome -> Extra parameters > input the below command > Apply

--no-first-run --activate-on-launch --no-default-browser-check --allow-file-access-from-files --disable-web-security --disable-translate --proxy-auto-detect --proxy-bypass-list= --enable-blink-features=ShadowDOMV0 --enable-blink-features=CustomElementsV0 --user-data-dir=tmpFix

Launch the application.

Solution 4:

The best option is to download Chromium but there is a trick to setting it as the debugger. Download

or find Chromium somewhere else. Ensure its version 79.

  1. Important: Be sure to open chromium and allow in privacy and security preferences. Make sure Chromium opens before proceeding. 

  2. Open Tizen Studio and go to

Tizen Studio > preferences

from menu bar Open

Tizen Studio > Web > Chrome

in preferences

  1. Change location to look like this:


  1. Note: If you browse to file, you will not be able to get to this path. You can see path by right clicking on the Chromium file and showing package contents
  2. Apply and close

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