How Do I Compare Dates In Javascript?
I have the following situation: I have a certain function that runs a loop and does stuff, and error conditions may make it exit that loop. I want to be able to check whether the l
Solution 1:
JS date objects store milliseconds internally, subtracting them from each other works as expected:
var diffSeconds = (newDate() - LastTimeIDidTheLoop) / 1000;
if (diffSeconds > 30)
// ...
Solution 2:
what about:
newDate = newDate()
if (newDate > LastTimeIDidTheLoop) {
Solution 3:
You can do like this:
var dateDiff = function(fromdate, todate) {
var diff = todate - fromdate;
if (dateDiff(fromdate, todate) > 30){
Solution 4:
Create a date object and use setSeconds().
controlDate = newDate();
controlDate.setSeconds(controlDate.getSeconds() + 30);
if (LastTimeIDidTheLoop > controlDate) {
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