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Populate Fields With Dates Js/jq

So I have this line: Works as it should, I'm using this. When I

Solution 1:

This works:

document.getElementById('Date1').valueAsDate = newDate();

Refer the API here

Solution 2:

Your datepicker seems to be able to do what you want: RFTM darn it. It also seems your are not using a regular date input (inspect your date widget you'll see that it is actually a text input). My guess is that your datepicker transforms the date input in a text input when it's initialized.

Solution 3:

I actually fixed it with patience and readng a lot. Here's the code.

This to populate the fields when you open the document:

today = newDate();
var dateString = today.format("dd/mm/yyyy");
document.getElementById("Date1").value = dateString;

var dateString18 = newDate(+newDate + 10886400000);
dateString18 = dateString18.format("dd/mm/yyyy");
document.getElementById("Date2").value = dateString18;

var dateString90 = newDate(+newDate + 54432000000);
dateString90 = dateString90.format("dd/mm/yyyy");
document.getElementById("Date3").value = dateString90;

var dateString1 = newDate(+newDate + 604800000);
dateString1 = dateString1.format("dd/mm/yyyy");
document.getElementById("Date4").value = dateString1;

And this is to calculate the other fields after I change the first one:

functiondateChange(fecha) {
    var anyo = fecha.substring(0, 4);
    var mes = fecha.substring(5, 7);
    var dia = fecha.substring(8, 10);

    var fechaFormato = dia + "/" + mes + "/" + anyo;

document.getElementById("Date1").value = fechaFormato;

var strDate = fechaFormato;
var dateParts = strDate.split("/");
var dateBuena = newDate(dateParts[2], (dateParts[1] - 1), dateParts[0]);

var dateString18 = newDate(+dateBuena + 10886400000);
dateString18 = dateString18.format("dd/mm/yyyy");
document.getElementById("Date2").value = dateString18;  

var dateString90 = newDate(+dateBuena + 54432000000);
dateString90 = dateString90.format("dd/mm/yyyy");
document.getElementById("Date3").value = dateString90;

var dateString1 = newDate(+dateBuena + 604800000);
dateString1 = dateString1.format("dd/mm/yyyy");
document.getElementById("Date4").value = dateString1;

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