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Firebase Function Doesnt Update, Function Returned Undefined

Im trying with this firebase function to update the author. exports.updateCourseName = functions.firestore .document('courses/{courseId}') .onUpdate((change, context) =>

Solution 1:

You need to terminate a Cloud Function when all the asynchronous work is completed, see the doc. In the case of a background triggered Cloud Function (e.g. Cloud Firestore function onUpdate trigger) you must return the entirechain of promises returned by the asynchronous method calls.

exports.updateCourseName = functions.firestore
    .onUpdate((change, context) => {
      const newValue =;
      const previousValue =;
      const course1Id = context.params.courseId;
      if(newValue != previousValue){

        return admin   // <== See the return here
        .firestore().collection("set").where("", "==", course1Id)
        .then((querySnapshot) => {
          if (!querySnapshot.empty) {
         // = newValuereturn[0].course  // <== See the return here AND see below
                .update({author : newValue
          } else  {
               returnnull;   // <== See here: we indicate to the CF that it can be cleaned up
        .catch((error) => {
            console.log("Error changing Author name in courses", error);
      } else  {
        returnnull;   // <== See here: we indicate to the CF that it can be cleaned up

HOWEVER, it is not clear to me what you want to do with:[0].course.update({author : newValue})

What is exactly course? The update() method is a method of a DocumentReference.

You probably want to do[0].ref.update({author : newValue})

Solution 2:

The error message is pretty damn explicit, there: Function returned UNDEFINED, expected Promise or value.

The incomplete code fragment you show DOESN'T RETURN ANYTHING. Try:

return admin
     .firestore().collection("set").where("", "==", course1Id)
...etc, etc...

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