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Jquery .prop Function Not Working To Uncheck Box

I tried many of the ideas I found here to uncheck a checkbox when a different checkbox is checked, but none are working ... Right I now I have : $('#chkBox1').click(function () {

Solution 1:

You need to refresh it after changing its' .prop, using .checkboxradio('refresh').


// Check #chkBox2 by default
$('#chkBox2').prop('checked', true).checkboxradio('refresh')

// Uncheck #chkBox2 when #chkBox1 is checked
$('#chkBox1').on('click', function () {
 if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
  $('#chkBox2').prop('checked', false).checkboxradio('refresh');

Solution 2:

sorry, I should have kept reading!

this seems to do the trick:


..but I am not exactly sure why, is this something unique to JQuery Mobile?

Solution 3:


<inputtype="checkbox" name="art"id="chkBox1" data-mini="true" data-theme="c" />
<inputtype="checkbox" name="art2"id="chkBox2" data-mini="true" data-theme="c" checked="checked" />


(function ($) {
$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#chkBox1").click(function () {
        if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
            $('#chkBox2').prop('checked', false);

Working example here

Solution 4:

You are checking this, and changing chkBox2:

if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
     $('#chkBox2').prop('checked', false); }

Try this instead:

if ($('#chkBox2').is(":checked")) {
     $('#chkBox2').prop('checked', false); }

Or simply:

$('#chkBox2').prop('checked', false);

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