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Disabling Angularjs Datatable Sorting For Specified Columns

I am working with angularjs data table where I don't need sorting for all the columns. So I want to disable sorting for specified columns. I want to disable sorting for column no.

Solution 1:

Today I got the same issue and here is the what I have found; In my case I wanted to remove sorting feature from first column since it just contain a check box.

According to the official documentation this is the code block;

app.controller('exceptionViewCtrl', ['$scope', 'DTColumnDefBuilder',  function ($scope, $routeParams, DTColumnDefBuilder) {
    $scope.dtColumnDefs = [DTColumnDefBuilder.newColumnDef(0).notSortable()];

But this is not worked; Then I figure out even if I disable sorting for a column, the dataTables sort order still remain. By default order is [0, 'asc']. So you need to additionally set order to target some other column instead.

So the complete html+angular code as follows;


<table datatable="" id="example2" class="table table-bordered table-hover" dt-options="dtOptions" dt-column-defs="dtColumnDefs">//table data


app.controller('exceptionViewCtrl', ['$scope', 'DTColumnDefBuilder', 'DTOptionsBuilder', function ($scope, DTColumnDefBuilder, DTOptionsBuilder) {
    $scope.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.newOptions().withOption('order', [1, 'asc']);
    $scope.dtColumnDefs = [DTColumnDefBuilder.newColumnDef(0).notSortable()];

Solution 2:

try it:

$scope.vm.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.newOptions()
          .withOption('order', [0, 'asc']);
    $scope.vm.dtColumnDefs = [

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