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Highstock X-axis: Categories In Place Of Time

Is it possible to use categories as x-values in Highstock? I don't need a time bar as x-axes, but something like numbered ratings. This works in Highcharts, but i need the scrollb

Solution 1:

You can use highstock release, but use highcharts and scrollbar.

Take look at example:

var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({

    chart: {
        renderTo: 'container'
    scrollbar: {
        enabled: true

    rangeSelector: {

    series: [{
        name: 'USD to EUR',
        data: [1,3,4,6]

Solution 2:

You may be able to get the functionality you want using Highstock and the following workaround:

The x-axis is a datetime and your series date ranges from datetime 0 to datetime x, here x is the number of categories you have.

Then when you format the xAxis label use:

labels: {
    formatter: function() {
    return categoryText[this.value];

Similarly you can format, the text in the navigator,

categoryText is a local variable that contains the text names of your categories.

Here is the fiddle:

Solution 3:

One of the developers of Highcharts/Highstock answered to my support request: It's not possible to switch the navigator to something else than time intervals.

The only solution to my problem is a navigation with a master and detail chart like in this sample:

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