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How To Store Static Value From Variable That Keep Changes In Javascript

I have created a function that gives current UTC date and time: get_current_UTCDate: function() { var d = new Date(); return d.getUTCFullYear() +'-'+ (d.get

Solution 1:

This code demonstrates the basic functionality you need (I only used part of your code)...


    obj = {
      get_current_UTCDate: function() {
        var d = newDate();
        return d.getUTCFullYear() +"-"+ (d.getUTCMonth()+1) +"-"+d.getUTCDate()+" "+ d.getUTCHours()+":"+ d.getUTCMinutes()+":"+ d.getUTCSeconds();

      on_timer: function() {
        if (localStorage.getItem("curdate") == null) {
          alert('first time');

        $('button').on("click", obj.on_timer);

Solution 2:

Without knowing all of the requirements I would look into using a cookie to store the value. Since you are already using jQuery you could use the $.cookie plugin, or just use a basic set/get routine like:

functioncookies() {
    returndocument.cookie.split('; ').reduce(function(acc, v) {
        p = v.split('='); acc[p[0]] = p[1]; return acc;
    }, {});

functiongetCookie(key) {

functionsetCookie(key, value) {
    returndocument.cookie = [key, '=', value, ';'].join('');

Then in your code something like:

if ($("pt_timer_start")) {
    if (saved_date = getCookie('current_date')) {
        current_date = saved_date;
    } else {
        current_date = this.get_current_UTCDate();
        setCookie('current_date', current_date);
    this.set_current_timer_activity({date: current_date});

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