Kineticjs Undo Layers: Layers Don't Disappear On Undo?
Solution 1:
After you serialize the layer to JSON, you must do
Your code seems to do this so I would need more code to find what's going wrong.
A long-shot possibility:
I see that your undoHistory references a global layer
and also creates a local layer
. Try refactoring your code like this to be sure you're not mixing different "layer":
function undoHistory(){
if (historyStep>0){
var version = history[historyStep];
var beforeState = history[historyStep].before;
var layer1 = version.layer;
var layer2 = Kinetic.Node.create(beforeState, 'container');
You don't need to do l.draw() or stage.draw() after l.destroy() because the layer is being destroyed anyway and the stage is auto-updated when the layer is destroyed.
Here is a working example of layer.destroy that may help until you can post more code:
Solution 2:
Here's what the probloem was: I store the layer reference in the history array. So when I create an object the layer reference is stored in history[1]. I move it to 3 times, I will have the same reference in the history for all the steps. When I press undo, I am destroying the layer calling it from the stored reference and I create a new one which reference is a new one. In the history I still have the old reference, which points to NULL. This was the problem.
I have fixed it destroying the old layer calling it by name. (This only works if you give unique names to layers): stage.find('.'+layer.getName())[0].destroy()
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